Friday, January 24, 2014

What's making us happy this week

My dear friend and former roommate, Miss Indiana, is currently in Iceland and we are SO jealous! In honor of that, here is a lovely picture not from this week, but from August in the land of fire and ice.

At Jorkulsarlon - glacier bay in Iceland

And Iceland makes us super happy even thinking about it. Anyway, here's to what makes us happy, including happy thoughts!

What's making Lee happy:

What's making Winter happy:
  • Make love, not war.
  • Oh my heck--these pants are awesome! Now I know who I'm rooting for during curling during the Sochi Olympics. Thanks, Angela for sharing.
  • Ain't nobody got time for that!
  • She made the team! I've been following her since we met her mom during breakfast on New Year's Day.

Happiness is Iceland - The Redd Party
Happy in Iceland!

Anyway, enjoy your day and weekend, dear friends!


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