Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Grateful to be able to vote

There's this thing that people have been doing on Facebook lately, where everyday in the month of November, they post to their status update one thing they are grateful for.

I haven't participated and it's not because I'm not grateful--I was just a little slow to the party (just like the  No Shave November party--thankfully, I'm missing that one!).

Today, however, I did want to post that I'm grateful for my parents. Because of them, I get to vote and did vote during early voting last week. Because of them, I live in this awesome country. And because of them, I have so many other blessings that are associated with living in this awesome country. We are so blessed!

All of us in Hawaii

So go out and vote today and be grateful you can vote!

Google Doodle for Election Day 2012


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