Friday, March 7, 2014

What's making us happy this week

It's been warm in our neck of the woods this week, making for rainstorms and thunder and lightning in February and tulips in March! Big fan.

Stormy backdrop to the Walker 

What's making Lee happy:
  • Real Salt Lake's new kit came out. The new kits are fun because they're new kits.
  • Winter and I are thinking about making up our own micro currency for our home.
  • Ha ha ha ha! They're just cute.
  • If anyone has $17,000 to spare and wants to get this watch for my birthday...
  • With the support of my wife, I was able to overcome this weakness. I am still unsure of myself.

What's making Winter happy:
  • I wish I could move my eyebrows like this guy.
  • People are so talented when wielding a small pair of scissors.
  • Discovered Zen Pencils this week and fell in love with this quote/cartoon from a commencement speech that cartoonist Bill Watterson gave a few years back.
  • I got a little teary eyed watching this. Wow!
  • My trivia tidbit got shared on one of our favorite podcasts, Good Job, Brain! Wahoo! And they just celebrated their 100th episode.

Anyway, we hope you have a nice weekend.


  1. Ingress isn't a weakness... really.. I can stop anytime I want. Seriously, not like I was late to work this morning because of it. Ahem.


What's that you say?