Monday, December 26, 2011

The Redds' 3rd Annual Christmas Card

Merry Christmas, family and friends!

Here's our 3rd Annual Christmas Card.  Yay!

Yes, it's a little late...oh well!


We love you and we think you're the best.  Really...the best!


  1. After such a great year, I can see how it would be hard to only choose 1 pic for a card! Troy is stoked he made the cut for the video and you know that Lee just lights his fire. Can I get copies of that pic btw? All I have is the video...which we watch and pee our pants laughing. We love you lots!

  2. What a year! Sure do love you guys and am glad you're a part of my life. Next year- Rubber band senior citizen dodgeball! xoxo -Carrie

  3. Bare Naked Ladies. Solid choice. Love you guys!


What's that you say?