While I was in Washington DC last week (see
here, and
here), my fellow Pastry Wednesday-ers met up for our monthly get-together. Adnohr was in charge and she told me before I left what she wanted to do: she wanted to bring in a line-up of pumpkin cheesecakes since they are prevalent this time of the year and vote on the best one.
I was SO sad when she told me of her master plan, because I had a feeling that I was going to miss an epic Pastry Wednesday.
So this is what I didn't get to try (all photos taken by Sugaraholic):
Five different pumpkin cheesecakes! |
There was one from Tulie Bakery. Looks cute and compact.
Tulie Pumpkin Cheesecake |
There was one from Gourmandise Bakery. There is always a nice sheen of gelatin on their pastries.
Gourmandise Pumpkin Cheesecake |
Another one from Costco. I'm always surprised at how big these pies can get at Costco.
Costco Pumpkin Cheesecake |
One from Olive Garden, which was starting to melt by the time it arrived. Both Sugaraholic and Adnohr encouraged me to go to Olive Garden before this Pastry Wednesday--according to them, it's "the best" and "so good". I will have to go for some dessert sometime.
Olive Garden Pumpkin Cheesecake |
And the last from The Cheesecake Factory, which had crashed a little during transport.
The Cheesecake Factory Pumpkin Cheesecake |
There was no clear winner though. Here is how everyone voted:
- Both Adnohr and Colonel Mustard chose Tulie Bakery's pumpkin cheesecake.
- Mr. Blenderhouse and a visitor voted that The Cheesecake Factory's was the best.
- Rx2Fx voted for the Costco cheesecake above all the other fancy ones.
- Sugaraholic was torn: her usual favorite is Olive Garden's, but she said that The Cheesecake Factory's was "pretty darn good".
If I only had a chance to vote too--I chose a bad time to miss out on Pastry Wednesday! Gah!
Have you tried any of these pumpkin cheesecakes, and if so, which one is your favorite?
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