Sunday, May 5, 2013

Project Life 365: Week 18

What a glorious, grand, and great week it's been!

April 28: Tried dragon fruit for the first time today. Whoa! It's like a milder version of a kiwi--but pink and white!

Such pretty and unexpected colors for dragon fruit

April 29: I accidentally sent this crazy text message to Lee. Holy pocket texting, Batman!

I really liked the letter a and v in this pocket text

April 30: We had dinner with a good friend at The Wild Grape. This Smoked Trout Gnocchi was delish!

The trout was perfectly done!

May 1: We got snow today. Crazy spring! But I noticed the "Imagine" on top of the block U for the first time today.

Imagine U

May 2: Lee is taking a menu design class where he had to dream up a restaurant and make a up a menu for it. He scored 395 out of 400. The menu looks so rad.

Lee's restaurant would be Danish cuisine

May 3: We had a Tres de Mayo party and I love this easy trick I learned from Mom K. Wheelbarrow + outdoor tablecloth = automatic container for drinks and ice at an outdoor party.

Easy party trick

May 4: After a busy day of working and cleaning, watching Psych and eating a Little Caesars $5 pizza. We're not picky sometimes.

Simple tastes sometimes!

Have a generous upcoming week!


  1. I was just telling Chad the other day that although I am kind of persnickety when it comes to food, I am a big fan of Little Caesars Pizza. Good to know other people agree with me.

    1. We're food snobs most times, but you just can't beat the Little Caesars pizza!

  2. Wha?? When did they put that "imagine" up there? And WHY??

    1. Right?!? I had no idea they were doing this, but apparently it's part of the rebranding of the U (


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